

September 27, 2024

InnoTrans 2024: First Railway Influencer Festival honours best mobility videos

• Premiere of the first international Railway Influencer Festival

• Outstanding achievements honoured with Railway Influencer Awards

The mobility industry experienced an exciting premiere today at InnoTrans. For the first time, the trade fair organised an international Railway Influencer Festival. 31 mobility-enthusiastic social media stars from all over the world travelled to the event to network with guests from the 41 invited companies in a relaxed atmosphere. Companies represented included DB Regio, Alstom, Skoda, Vossloh, Plasser & Theurer, Robel, Schaltbau, Voith, Spitzke, Harting, the Morroccan National Railways Office, UNIFE (European Railways Industries) and the ZVEI (German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association). This was the perfect opportunity for some to strengthen their own social media presence through new contacts and for others to make their company and its products better known through the railway influencers.

“I was very pleased that so many international influencers were there. The participants once again showed how large and diverse the influencer community in the mobility industry is. The community is constantly growing and gaining in importance. It was time to create a format where influencers, bloggers and YouTubers with a wide reach can meet and exchange ideas with the rail industry and transport companies in person. Where, if not at InnoTrans, is the perfect setting for this?” said Kerstin Schulz, Director of InnoTrans.

The influencers came from countries such as Portugal, Germany, Great Britain and Dubai. Together, the content creators represent reach over one million followers with their channels. They included British YouTubers Tom Thornton and Albert Pearce, who travel the world by train and talk about their experiences; Portuguese influencer Diogo Ferreira Nunes, who reports on trains and other modes of transport in his channels, and blogger Lasse Stolley. The young man from Fockbek in Northern Germany swapped his permanent residence for a BahnCard 100 two years ago and has been reporting on what life on the train feels like ever since. The next generation of railway influencers was also represented: 14-year-old railway fan Adam El Rafey had travelled from Dubai with his mother Soha El Halfawi.

Jury presents Railway Influencer Award in three categories

To round off the Railway Influencer Festival, a high-calibre jury presented the Railway Influencer Award in three categories. Two content creators and one InnoTrans exhibitor were honoured:

‘Best InnoTrans Video’

The first prize in this category went to the YouTube channel Zug 2013. In the winning video, YouTuber Tobias Foltin presents his personal top ten new trains for the German railway network, which were presented at InnoTrans 2022.

‘Best Brand Video’

The Railway Influencer Award in this category went to Alstom for their video “Sustainable mobility for everyone, everywhere”. With strong imagery and convincing claims, the three-minute video shows the goals and values that the company is committed to.

‘Best Mobility Channel’

The jury awarded the first prize to YouTuber Thibault Constant from Vancouver, who reports on trains around the world in his Simply Railway channel.

Kerstin Schulz with the winners Heather Lewis and Tobias Foltin.
The winners of the first Railway Influencer Awards at InnoTrans are YouTuber Tobias Foltin (left), winner in the “Best InnoTrans Video” category, and Heather Lewis (right), who accepted the prize in the “Best Brand Video” category on behalf of Alstom from InnoTrans Director Kerstin Schulz (center). Not in the picture: YouTuber Thibault Constant, winner in the “Best Mobility Channel” category.
A man holding an award in front of a world map.
Thibault Constant, winner of the category "Best Mobility Channel".

It was not easy for the experts on the jury to select the best from the diverse railway influencer community. The jury consisted of the following members: Sarah Stark, Managing Director of the German Railway Industry Association (VDB); Andrei Ciufu, Head of Unit -Communications of the European Association of the Railway Industry UNIFE; Lars Wagner, Head of Strategy & Communication and Press Spokesman of the German Association of Transport Companies (VDV); Azar Mottale, Head of Mobility at the German Electrical and Digital Manufacturers' Association (ZVEI); and Constantin Lehnert, responsible for European policy, rail technology and rail transport at the German Transport Forum (DVF).

Media representatives can use press photos from InnoTrans for their editorial reporting.

About InnoTrans

InnoTrans is the world’s leading trade show for transport technology and takes place every two years in Berlin. The five segments at InnoTrans comprise Railway Technology, Railway Infrastructure, Public Transport, Interiors and Tunnel Construction. InnoTrans is organised by Messe Berlin GmbH. The 15th InnoTrans will take place at the Exhibition grounds of Messe Berlin from 22 to 25 September 2026. For more information: